Author Archives: Chuck Fisher

General Meeting & Election Forum – October 20, 2016

Your Invitation to the Lake Grove Neighborhood Association General Meeting and Lake Oswego Election Forum

Meet your Candidates for Mayor and City Council

Hear their views. Ask your questions. Shake their hands and get a feeling for local politics.
It does matter. We live in a great City and it can be even better.
Also, at this meeting the Lake Grove Neighborhood Association will hold its annual election for Board members. Interested residents of the Lake Grove neighborhood are encouraged to join the Board. Please contact Chair Jerry Nierengarten at or other board members at the meeting.

Neighborhood boards are advisory. Lake Oswego works with the Boards and looks to them for suggestions, insights and recommendations to maintain and improve the beauty and livability of our neighborhoods and City. Boards are involved with code exceptions on housing and business projects in their area, special projects such as parks, walkways, speedbumps and major projects like the coming Boones Ferry Redevelopment.


Location: Lake Grove Presbyterian Church
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2016
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm


Meetings – September 14, 2016 & September 15, 2016

Due to the number of issues and their complexity the Lake Grove Neighborhood Association is addressing, there are two Lake Grove Neighborhood Association meetings scheduled for September.

The September 14th meeting will focus on traffic impacts on the Lake Grove neighborhood related to the Boones Ferry Rd project. Lake Oswego City representatives will be present. Lake Grove residents are encouraged to attend this meetings.

The usual monthly Board meeting will be September 15th. Lake Grove residents are encouraged to attend this meeting.

Location and Time for both of the September meetings are:

Location: Lake Grove Presbyterian Church
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm

09-15-16 LGNA Board Meeting Agenda
