Iron Mountain Park

Iron Mountain Park Wetlands

Iron Mountain Park Wetlands

Iron Mountain Park is a 51 acre Natural park that is placed on a steep sloped area with a nine acre lowland that includes wetlands and streams. The park is the historic location of iron mining industry in Lake Oswego. The park is located on Iron Mountain Boulevard adjacent to the Lake Oswego Hunt Club with a trailhead off of Brookside Road. The park amenities include a system of soft surface trails and wildlife viewing.

Currently a master planning process is occurring for development of a small portion of the park to provide natural park amenities (parking, picnicing, restrooms, possible nature play area) on 3 acres of the lowlands. The trail system is also being discussed and could include expansion of the system and trail uses.

Get involved in the community vision for Iron Mountain Park CLICK HERE to go to the Master Plan Project Page or type